Monday, August 7, 2017

September Class: with Bonnie Frederico, CDA
“Chickadee” - $20
Deadline:  Friday, September 1, 2017

Supply List:
Prismacolor pencils: White 938, Crimson Red 924; Goldenrod 1034; Verithin Black 747; Warm Grey 90% 1058; Cream 914; Raspberry #1030; Black 935; Cool Grey 10% / 20% / 50% / 70% (1059,1060,1063,1065); Poppy Red 922; Dark Purple 931; Burnt Ochre 943; White NUPASTEL color stick #26957 (pencils can be bought through Jerry’s Art-a-rama at reasonable costs).

Surface and Supplies: - Surface will be supplied by LRR
Mi-teintes paper Moonstone, cut 10x10, found in most local art stores
Backboard – Masonite, foam core or Plexiglas
Pink Pearl Eraser
Elmer’s Tack
Battery operated pencil sharpener
Painters tape
Large soft brush (clean make-up brush) to remove pencil pieces

Old transfer paper, stylus, frame (Wood Items and More)